kolmapäev, 30. detsember 2009

Veel uudiseid köigile Garnstudio Drops lõngade armastajatele- täiesti uus ja ilus hinnakiri on üleval meie mustrite lehel, ning oleme teinud kõik selleks, et need oleksid konkurentsivõimelised teiste firmade samaväärsete lõngasortidega. Tuletame meelde, et kõigil Garnstudio lõngadel on kvaliteedigarantii- hoia alles iga kasutatud lõngatoki lipik, see on su garantiitõendiks!

1. jaanuaril avame Garnstudio ettetellimise aadressil longamaania@novus.ee

Soovitame sul kiirustada, mida varem tellid, seda kiiremini saame täis miinimumkoguse, mille saame lasta Garnstudiol meile siia Eesti saata, ning seda kiiremini saame täiendada oma varusid.

Valida võid vabalt kõigi Drops lõngade vahel, värvikaardid leiad siit

Lisaks, kui esimene tellimus kenasti täitub, on meil plaanis avada päris oma Drops lõngade netipood Lõngamaania, kirjeldamaks meie pühendumust ja armastust kvaliteetlõngade vastu! :)

kolmapäev, 23. detsember 2009

teisipäev, 15. detsember 2009

DROPS löngu Garnstudiost vöib juba hakata ette tellima, annan suurtellimuse Garnstudiosse sisse jaanuaris.
Lisainfi tuleb peatselt! 

Tasuta eestikeelsed mustrid!

Kallid käsitöö sõbrad !

Esmakordselt avalikuse silmadele avanev lehekülg Dropsi tõlgetega:
DROPS Design mustrid
Enamus asju on seal alles tõlkimisel, aga iga päev avaldatakse uus jõulumuster ja tahaks seda teiega jagada.

Võite julgelt jätta kommentaare.

neljapäev, 10. detsember 2009

Winter, snow and X'mas and SantaMamas

It's time for x'mas updates! It's been a very busy month for me and my babygirl, we have moved to a new apartment, I spent many hours at my new job, and I have also finished several old and new knitting projects. One of them is a red hat for AN which is a very important part of x'mas in our part of the world. I was after a pattern for it for a long time, and finally I got one from "my" yarn store, a friendly lady who works there made me a copy and I started knitting at the very same evening. The pattern was simple and the yarn easy to handle, so it didn't take much time to reach this:

I have lost the only pair of mittens I had with me to Norway and desperately needed new. Again- it took long time before I could start knitting them as I was not able to find a pattern good enough. Finally I did- from Garnstudio.com of course (find the way to the translation to estonian language at the left on this page).
I used pure new wool yarn Alaska from Garnstudio and needles nr 5.
The pattern was very different from any of the patterns I have seen before, and it wasn't easy for me to find out how it really works. You can see the result of my confusion on the first picture heheheee :D

But after the necessary correction the mittens became very useful :)

Lastly, here I can show you the to pairs of socks I was asked to make by my dear friend Babyapple( :-) ), here again, I spent much too long time knitting them as the order came in the time were I had all the changes in my life going on. At least now Babyapple have received them, her son is sure that a SantaMama have made these for him and his little brother..... :D