kolmapäev, 30. detsember 2009

Veel uudiseid köigile Garnstudio Drops lõngade armastajatele- täiesti uus ja ilus hinnakiri on üleval meie mustrite lehel, ning oleme teinud kõik selleks, et need oleksid konkurentsivõimelised teiste firmade samaväärsete lõngasortidega. Tuletame meelde, et kõigil Garnstudio lõngadel on kvaliteedigarantii- hoia alles iga kasutatud lõngatoki lipik, see on su garantiitõendiks!

1. jaanuaril avame Garnstudio ettetellimise aadressil longamaania@novus.ee

Soovitame sul kiirustada, mida varem tellid, seda kiiremini saame täis miinimumkoguse, mille saame lasta Garnstudiol meile siia Eesti saata, ning seda kiiremini saame täiendada oma varusid.

Valida võid vabalt kõigi Drops lõngade vahel, värvikaardid leiad siit

Lisaks, kui esimene tellimus kenasti täitub, on meil plaanis avada päris oma Drops lõngade netipood Lõngamaania, kirjeldamaks meie pühendumust ja armastust kvaliteetlõngade vastu! :)

kolmapäev, 23. detsember 2009

teisipäev, 15. detsember 2009

DROPS löngu Garnstudiost vöib juba hakata ette tellima, annan suurtellimuse Garnstudiosse sisse jaanuaris.
Lisainfi tuleb peatselt! 

Tasuta eestikeelsed mustrid!

Kallid käsitöö sõbrad !

Esmakordselt avalikuse silmadele avanev lehekülg Dropsi tõlgetega:
DROPS Design mustrid
Enamus asju on seal alles tõlkimisel, aga iga päev avaldatakse uus jõulumuster ja tahaks seda teiega jagada.

Võite julgelt jätta kommentaare.

neljapäev, 10. detsember 2009

Winter, snow and X'mas and SantaMamas

It's time for x'mas updates! It's been a very busy month for me and my babygirl, we have moved to a new apartment, I spent many hours at my new job, and I have also finished several old and new knitting projects. One of them is a red hat for AN which is a very important part of x'mas in our part of the world. I was after a pattern for it for a long time, and finally I got one from "my" yarn store, a friendly lady who works there made me a copy and I started knitting at the very same evening. The pattern was simple and the yarn easy to handle, so it didn't take much time to reach this:

I have lost the only pair of mittens I had with me to Norway and desperately needed new. Again- it took long time before I could start knitting them as I was not able to find a pattern good enough. Finally I did- from Garnstudio.com of course (find the way to the translation to estonian language at the left on this page).
I used pure new wool yarn Alaska from Garnstudio and needles nr 5.
The pattern was very different from any of the patterns I have seen before, and it wasn't easy for me to find out how it really works. You can see the result of my confusion on the first picture heheheee :D

But after the necessary correction the mittens became very useful :)

Lastly, here I can show you the to pairs of socks I was asked to make by my dear friend Babyapple( :-) ), here again, I spent much too long time knitting them as the order came in the time were I had all the changes in my life going on. At least now Babyapple have received them, her son is sure that a SantaMama have made these for him and his little brother..... :D

pühapäev, 22. november 2009

It's time for few new updates! I have been very busy as always, or a bit more that usual... Feel tired in the eves and don't feel like using the last bits of my energy behind the computer screen- I rather use it doing some knitting :D
A friend of mine found the Fabel yarn I have used in several occations, very attractive and asked if I'd knit socks for her two boys. So this is one of the projects I have been working on:
Using Fabel yarn from Garnstudio, color nr 162, Blue Sea

At the same time I am knitting a jacket for myself, so lets see how well I will manage that :D

There are naturally several more projects on the list waiting for their turn, and the x'mas time is getting closer and closer- plus we are moving next week- please- if you have some time to sell, come to me with it!!!

pühapäev, 8. november 2009

Meeldetuletus iseendale!

Kirjutan üles enne kui ära unustan: ma tahan, ma vajan, ma nöuan- Haapsalu sallide raamatut ja Vörumaa kindakirjamustrite raamatut.
Uh, kergem hakkas.
Ma lähen nüüd magama.

Socks and bunnies

Socks and socks and socks! I mean, why do we always find one of each pair, every time we are in a hurry? To ease the problem, I knitted ANOTHER pair of socks to AN- this time of alpaca wool, from Lithuanian Alvita. I am working on matching mittens. I did finish one, but it is too large. So I'll knit two more, smaller.

Few days ago I surprised AN with two new friends- Bunny-Bob and Bunny-Berta! AN keeps pulling them off from my fingers and putting back again... Well, if that's how she thinks we should treat our little friends, ok then!

pühapäev, 1. november 2009

Tuhvlid said valmis! I finished the slippers!

Vöi tuleks neid sussideks kutsuda? Vöi milleks tegelikult? No vahet pole, sooja annavad nad korralikult. Meil on jahedad pörandad, kuigi mul on olemas jala otsa pistetavad sussid, pidasin vajalikuks nende tegemist siin, kuna nood teised jäävad pidevalt kuskile ripakile ja siis ma ei leia ühte üles :( Aga mis jala küljes kinni, see on kinni :) Kasutasin Garnstudio Alaska lönga ja nende oma mustrit, mille lingi eelmises postitusest vist ära töin. Nüu¨d ütled, et aga need ei näe ju üldse selles mustris antute moodi välja! No muidugi ei näe, kui tihti mu tööd seda näevad? :) Peaks möned sellised ka jöulukingitusteks tegema- vaene rotike nagu ma hetkel olen- ei ole minul raha fäänside kingituste jaoks. Oma tehtud, hästi tehtud!

It took some time, but now they are here :) Keeping my feet warm as our floors are pretty chilly. I could actually use them at work as well- my feet are often freezing there...
I may knit a few more couples to give away as X'mas gifts- I am officially poor these months, and have no money for fancy presents. Selfdone-well done!
I had a bad surprise today- the bolero I was working on, for AN, I was knitting it wrong :( Silly, silly me- I didn't read the pattern well enough. Even chicken have more brain than me :( 2 weeks of knitting while putting AN to bed- it's all waisted! But the funny part is that when I picked that work up today to knit it, I was thinking that "oh how boring one pattern can be- no excitement knitting this piece at all... I should have chosen another one... does she actually need it at all? She's got several cardis she can wear...." etc etc. Until I found out I had to rip the whole thing up again! I will not knit another one! Not this year. She'll get her second pair of socks instead, of alpaca wool- I feel sorry for her when the temperature is so low and she has to sit still in her buggy.

pühapäev, 25. oktoober 2009

Old debts

Beautiful socks to a little baby-girl! A good friend of mine had a little daughter recently, and as I had some of this beautiful ping yarn in my Panduro's Box of Yarn, I decided to get something sweet out of it! The pattern is the simplest, the socks are tiny- it didn't take long to finish them.I must admit that pink is not my fave color on little girls... but this yarn is not ONLY pink, as you see- it has tens of gorgeous tones- it is such a pleasure to knit with it, and enjoy the new and new surprising colors showing up.  Surprise-surprise, it is a Garnstudio Fabel yarn :) Yeah I have almost emptied our local yarn shop :P 
The pic shows one of the socks unfinished- I wanted to get the pic before it got dark outside, don't have a Photoshop in my MacBook and can't fix the yellowish pics taken in the evenings... 

Oh, and before I forget again, I owe Jen a pic of the poncho I knitted using sari silk yarn, emmm, as I have noone else to take the photo, you will have to be satisfied with this one: 


Eesti keeles ka!/ Also in estonian language!

Ma olen lubanud hakata kirjutama ka oma emakeeles, st eesti keeles. Annan nüüdsest endast parima! Eks elu näitab, kummas keeles ma põhiliselt kirjutan, ning kummas lühida kokkuvõtte teen- aga eks see ole vist juba ette teada...
Hetkel olen hõivatud ühe suuremat sorti projekti väljatöötamisega, et siis kõikidele Eestis elavatele käsitöösõpradele suurt rõõmu valmistada ;) Ma hetkel hoian end veel tagasi, kuid seda lootusega, et varsti saan "asja" avalikuks teha :)

laupäev, 24. oktoober 2009

Hey, I have a PLAN. I often do. But this time... it is a PLAN. More about it later ;P

I've spent the last two days at home with AN as she has not felt so good. There are lots of viruses around these days. Now you could think that I had a chance to do lots of knitting and maybe even some house work? Wrong! Well, I actually finished one pair socks, which are not even close to perfect.... And I am just about finishing another pair of socks, a gift to one of the newest members of Mother Earth, and these ones look beautiful. Pics tomorrow. And lastly I started knitting THESE - my feet are often cold, and enough is enough! 

Otherwise not much is happening, I will have another month of poorness- probably also the last- I got paid today and I have paid most of it away already... That's the way. Having a job interview on Monday, so there's hope out there! No, actually it is not so bad, as you remember- I have a PLAN :) 
Besides I am working on my X'mas project- I'd like to make a little market stand and try to sell few sweet things to people who find them as pretty as I do. Telling about it here kind of commits me to do it even if I find that I am too tired on those long and dark November eves. But then I can just lit few candles, make a cup of hot chocolate, and enjoy the work.

teisipäev, 20. oktoober 2009

I am sitting here trying to make my blog a bit more eye-friendly... It doesn't look any pretty yet but I am working on it, I really am!;)

pühapäev, 18. oktoober 2009

Yarn here and yarn there....

This morning our tiny dining table looked like this

Someone spent half the night organizing Liisu Käsitöölöng yarn into balls- absolutely boring and quite irritating job, especially with this particular yarn. But the colors are just beauuuuutiful!

Do you think my daughter will soon through out all the yarn I have? 

Did I mention that I have a mountain of it, after our short trip to Estonia in the beginning of this month? Well, at least I have some! The yarn prices in Estonia are about half of what they are here in Norway, so I really enjoyed that shopping. The only problem is, that it is hard to find a proper yarn shop there :( The same with all the Internet shops they have dedicated for yarn- the range of colors is very limited, and that is sad. So I still often end up in my fave yarn shop here in Kongsberg, rolling the paper money between my fingers and saying: "Eh what the hell, I'll buy it!"

laupäev, 17. oktoober 2009

Alpaca winter set-babyhat and scarf

I am a bit confused. What do I like more- vintage knitting or high street funky kids' clothing? I like both! I have have found several beautiful patterns of both styles, and I am going to dress up my baby- oh AND myself! :) I need just a little more practicing, and then I can start making larger items than baby clothes. 

My latest success is here:
As AN spends now lots of time outdoors (in the kindergarten), and the weather is getting colder and colder-  she needed a warm hat. I used 100% baby alpaca for the hat- Katia MISKI yarn, and a mix of Alpaca, merino's wool and silk yarn- Katia SULKA for the scarf. As the Garnstudio pattern for the hat was a little boring, I tuned it up myself :) (and I even learned to crochet for this projects' sake :D)

teisipäev, 13. oktoober 2009

Garnstudio kleit

Nonii, panen siis öpetuse "paberile" :) Vaat oleksin pidanud selle ise enne kuduma hakkamist niiviisi üle kirjutama, oleks mul tähelepanematusest üks oluline viga jäänud tegemata. Selle vea töttu pidin hiljem päris kövasti pusima, et kleit ikka enam-vähem normaalne välja tuleks. See selleks, edaspidi olen targem, kui midagi taolist kuduma hakkan. 

Vabandan ette ära oma kehva väljendusoskuse pärast, mu eestikeelene kudumisega seotud sönavara ei ole kahjuks köige parem, seepärast kölan natuke puiselt. Kuid kui tekib küsimusi, siis palun kirjuta ja küsi!! 

Täna panen esimese osa üles, möni järgnev öhtu jätkan!

Panen üles suurused 12/18 k ja (2-3/4 a) Saab ka väiksemat, ma hetkel hoian aega kokku ja ei pane neid numbreid. Kui on soovi, saada mail ja ma lisan ka suurused 1/3 ja 6/9 kuud.

Kleit: DROPS FABEL vöi midagi sarnast.
100 (150-150)g Fabel vöi muu kirju löng
50(50-100)g ühevärvilist
50 (50-50) valget lönga

Ringvardad nr 3 (40 ja 60 cm), vöi need vardad, millega saad 24 s x 33 r tavalises koes ja 24 s x 48 r ripskoes 10x 10 cm. 


Köigepealt kootakse seelikuosa äärest äärde, seejärel korjatakse üles silmad alumises ääres ja kootakse laiem mustriosa. Seejärel korjatakse üles silmad seeliku ülemises ääres ning kootakse kitsam mustriosa.



Koo edasi- tagasi ringvarrastel.

Loo 72 (82-94)s Kirju löngaga. Koo lühendatud ridadega edasi-tagasi, kootakse seda järgmiselt:

1.rida: koo köik silmad 72 (82-94)

2.rida: : koo köik silmad 72 (82-94)

3. rida: koo 36 (41-47)s, tösta järgmine silm niisama üle paremale vardale, vii löng taha, tösta silm vasakule vardale tagasi, pööra töö ümber ja koo tagasi- 4. Rida.

5. rida:  koo köik silmad 72 (82-94)

6.rida: koo köik silmad 72 (82-94)

7. rida koo köik silmad 72 (82-94)

8 rida koo köik silmad 72 (82-94)

9 rida: koo 60 (68-78) s, tösta järgmine silm niisama üle paremale vardale, vii löng taha, tösta silm vasakule vardale tagasi, pööra töö ümber ja koo tagasi- 10. Rida.

11. rida -à alusta otsast peale, nagu 1. Rida jne jne

Kui töö ülemine osa on 54 (60-66) cm ja alumine ca 90 (100-110) cm, koo silmad LÖDVALT maha.

Ömble seeliku ääred kokku, ömbluskoht jääb taha. 


Koo kirju löngaga üles iga teine silm seeliku alumises ääres= ca 216 (240-264)s. Koo 1 rida pahempidi. Vaheta löng ühevärvilise vastu, ning koo 1 rida parempidi ja 1 rida pahempidi. Nüu¨d vaheta see löng valge lönga vastu ja koo 1 rida parempidi. SAMAL AJAL suurenda silmade arvu kuni 234 (252-270)s. Edasi koo muster, nagu leiad kodulehelt- http://www.garnstudio.com/lang/en/visoppskrift.php?d_nr=b16&d_id=25&lang=en , muster nimega M.1 = 13 (14-15) mustrikorda ümberringi. 

Seejärel vaheta ühevärvilise vastu ja koo 1 kord ripsi, siis kirju löngaga 3 korda ripsi. Löpeta LÖDVALT. 


Ühevärvilist lönga kasutades koo üles iga teine silm seelikuosa ülemisest äärest= ca 136 (152-168)s. Koo üks ring pahempidi. Vaheta löng valge vastu ja koo üks ring parempidi, SAMAL AJAL tösta silmade arvu 6 (8-10)s vörra ühtlaselt jaotatuna.  Nüüd koo muster nr M.2 (= 17(19-21) mustrikorda kokku). Kinnita üks silmamarker kummalegi küljele= 65 (72-79)s ees- ja tagatükil. Vaheta löng jälle ühevärvilise vastu ning koo 1 kord ripsi, jätka tavalise kudega. SAMAL AJAL kui töö pikkuseks on 42 (47-52)cm, koo 2 korda ripsi üle 12 silma kummalgi küljel (=6 silma kummalgi pool markerit), ülejäänud silmad koo tavakoes. Seejärel koo keskmised 6 silma kokku kummalgi küljel ning esi- ja tagatükk kootakse valmis eraldi. 

ESITÜKK: = 59(66-73)s

jätka tavalise koega ja 3 korda ripsi kummalgi küljel. – SAMAL AJAL koo kokku 1 s kummalgi küljel käeaugu jaoks. Korda kokku kudumist igal 2-l ringil kokku 4(5-5) korda- 51(56-63)s. Kui töö pikkuseks on 48(53-58)cm, pane keskmised 13(16-17)s löngajupile hoiule kaelaaugu jaoks ja koo valmis kumbi ölg eraldi. Edasi koo kokku kaelaaugu servadest nii: 2 s 1 kord ja 1 s 4 korda= 13(14-17)s ölaosa jaoks alles. Koo silmad maha kui töö pikkuseks on 54(60-66)cm.


TAGATÜKK: = 59(66-73)s.

Koo kokku käeaugu jaoks just nagu esitükilgi ja koo edasi kuni töö pikkuseks on 52(58-64)cm. Nüüd koo maha keskmised 21(24-25)s kaelaaugu jaoks ja kumbki ölg koo valmis eraldi.

Edasi koo kokku kaelaaugu servadest järgmiselt: 1 s 2 korda= 13(14-17)s jää alles ölaosa jaoks.

Koo silad maha, kui töö pikkuseks on 54(60-66)cm.


Ömble ölaosad kokku.



Koo üles kirju löngaga ca 55 kuni 75 silma ümber kaela (k.a. löngale hoiule jaëtud silmad). Koo 1 ring pahempidi , 1 parempidi, 1 pahempidi ja koo silmad maha parempidi.



VALMA! Palju önne- sa oled just teinud oma tibule aasta ilusaima kingituse!



Töö kootakse parempidi edasitagasi (=ripsi). Loo 34-38-40 (44-48) s nr 3 varrastel, Fabel löngaga. Koo 4 rida parempidi. Löika löng läbi.
Vaheta löng punase Alpaca vastu, loo 14-17-21 (24-27) s varda algusesse, koo juba olemasolevad 34-38-40 (44-48) s ja loo veel 14-17-21 (24-27) s varda löppu = 62-72-82 (92-102) s. Koo parempidi edasi ja tagasi. SAMAL AJAL (selleks, et boolero saaks servadest laiem) koo LÜHENDATUD RIDADEGA järgmiselt: * koo 5 r kõik s, koo 10-12-15 (18-20) s, keera töö ümber, pinguta lõnga, tõsta esimene s üle uuele vardale ja koo tagasi, koo 1 r kõik s, koo 10-12-15 (18-20) s, keera, pinguta lõnga, tõsta esimene s üle uuele vardale, koo tagasi * , korda * kuni *, kuni töö pikkuseks on ca 22-25-28 (31-35) cm keskelt mõõdetuna.
Järgmisel real kootakse järgmiselt: koo maha esimesed 14-17-21 (24-27) s , koo rida lõpuni, keera töö ümber ja koo maha teisel pool asuvad esimesed 14-17-21 (24-27) s. Vaheta lõng Fabeli vastu ümber ja koo 4 r silmadest, mis veel järgi on jäänud (34-38-40 (44-48) s ). Koo kõik s maha.

Voldi boolero keskelt kokku- vt joonis 1, ning õmble küljeõmblused välimiste s välimiste osade kaudu.
Heegelda ümber terve avause punase Alpaca lõnga ja heegelnõela nr 3-ga ... ja nüüd jään hätta- ma ei oska norrakeelseid termineid eesti keelde panna........... No tuleb....

reede, 9. oktoober 2009

Ohh long time no writing... I have had such a busy month behind me, have not had time to blog, but I also understood that if I had a blog about my everyday life, I would actually save time. So that's something I will work on asap. 
In  the meanwhile I can scream hurraaaayyyyy i have finished one lovely dress to AN- it was meant to be finished just before X'mas, but as I had the chance to travel to Estonia in the beginning of October, I had to knit it in 2-3 weeks, so that she could have it on at our last session at Harrieti Stuudio. When I receive the pics, I'll hang some up here as well. 

 As some others have shown interest in knitting the same dress, but would like me to tell them how to do it, in estonian language, I will do it here, soon. Otherwise you can find the pattern in english (and many other languages) here.

teisipäev, 8. september 2009

Why does my desk look like this? Do I enjoy knitting? Hehe :)

And what am I going to do with this beautiful Sari Silk, Jen sent me all the way from Australia? I am very impatient and have finished the yellow ball project, (or almost finished- when I am there where I want to get to, you will see the result) as I needed the knitting stitches I was using. These are 6mm, I will try them out with Sari Silk, and decide if I should get larger ones! 
An Omaklubi forum friend of mine helped me with finding patterns, so I could knit something useful and beautiful out of this 1 kg (!) of yarn, the result is here: http://www.knittingpatterncentral.com/directory/ponchos.php - isn't it cool?! I have few more ideas, was trying to get patterns for them yesterday, but as my Internet connection can be unstable, the paying procedure didn't go through.. I'll try again later tonight. 

Just for change-
Me and her and him went for a walk on a sunny Autumn day:

We saw that beautiful view:

 and this beautiful sight:



neljapäev, 3. september 2009

I made it! A teddy-bear to my sweet little daughter :) It was meant to be given as a present on her 11th mini-birthday tomorrow, but as she was not feeling fine today I gave it to her to brighten her day a bit up :)  It worked, and our new family member was welcomed warmly. I just have not found a name to our teddy-bear yet... 

pühapäev, 30. august 2009

Actually I have one simple, but big project already going on: a blanket I can use on a couch in the living room. Hoping to finish it latest by the end of September month. 

As I had a round birthday only a few 
days ago, I received a lovely gift from my great friend Jen from Australia- some green stuff I could use for whatever I wished to. For a long time now I had been looking at a set of knitting needles, luxurious looking and handy, but with a price I wasn't keen on paying. But now it was possible, and I do not regret!!!! Soon I will show what I have used some of these needles for- my little daughter has a mini-birthday next week, and a present for her is on the way :)

I got bored and thought I could knit some more :P It is a very practical piece of clothing in the winters of Norway, where we are basing right now. Easy to apply and easy to remove, and it will most probably not fall off when my little girl is out playing .

OK, now my baby is warm on her back and has feet covered. What next? The head! She needs a hat! 
So I made her one. But it is a bit too large yet, plus she keeps pulling it off :S
Soon I will make another one :)

This is when I thought, ok, I guess I am not totally useless, and decided to knit a pair of racks to my baby as the winter is coming soon: 

esmaspäev, 24. august 2009

Here in this blog you can see what happened to me when I moved to a new place and certainly had no TV, no good friends next door, and no shopping mall for the next 20 km from my home... ;)

What happened is that I finished the knittingwork I had hanging for months already. And it's not all! ... To be continued.....